Luke Jackson



2004-07 PGDip Fine Art, Royal Academy Schools, London
2001-04 BA [hons] Fine Art, Middlesex University

Previous Exhibitions:
2006 The R.A.5, Lennon Weinberg Gallery, New York

Selectors' Comments:
Alex Katz meets the Belgian? These are softly iconoclastic pictures that are also quite funny. They struggle with taking seriousness seriously. Good choice of subjects - what style are these guys worth, if any?

Artist's Statement:
The three paintings centre on an obsessive fetishism of each character that manifests itself in how each is painted and a specific mode of history. They appear not as direct portraits and avoid any overt familiarity with the photographic image. They instead move behind the charged enigma of each persona.


Fernando, Pessoa, Oil on canvas, 50 x 40cm, 2006


J D Salinger, Oil on canvas, 90 x 65cm, 2006

Previous artist in 2007

Adam Holmes-Davies

Next artist in 2007

Hannah James