Gabriel Hartley



b. 1981 London

2005-08 MA Fine Art, Royal Academy Schools, London
2002-05 BA [hons] Fine Art, Chelsea College of Art and Design, University of the Arts London

Previous Exhibitions:
2007 Summer Show, Royal Academy of Arts, London
2007 Straight Edge, La Viande, London
2007 Influx, Nolia's Gallery, London
2007 Touch, Chelsea Future Space, London
2006 Summer Show, Royal Academy of Arts, London
2005 Harvest, Long and Ryle, London

Selectors' Comments:
Gabriel Hartley's Alligator is hideous - wilfully and hilariously. It's as materially dumb and literal an enactment of mythical-monstrous as Tweed's Man from Below TV is of more socially generated subterranean disturbances. One could imagine Hartley's Alligator as a mate to the mandrake, as in the recent magical realist mystery film, Pan's Labyrinth.

Artist's Statement:
Gabriel Hartley makes paintings, painted sculptures and painted photographs. The starting point is from an image or a real thing, which becomes abstracted. The reaction to the image either copies and mimics parts of the thing, or acts to deny and change the presence of the object.

Shoes, Oil on plaster on shoes, 70 x 35 x 15cm, 2006

Previous artist in 2007

Dido Hallett

Next artist in 2007

Alexander Heim